The Biography of Aris Barbie

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Aris Barbie is special.

Not just normal special, but special special.

She is a magnificent being, who is oh so very clever and quick-witted.

Everyone adores her, and thinks she is just amazing!

But, there is one thing about her that makes others act different around her than they would otherwise.

She is a platypus.

Chapter 1

Aris Barbie is a platypus.

Not just any platypus, mind you. She is a purple platypus with silver horns and wings.

But despite all that, she acts just like a human would.

Besides her few disadvantages.

She can't read.

She can't eat many human foods.

And she has trouble focusing on one thing for too long.

And she is stubborn as her back left pinkie toe.

But that doesn't stop her from trying to accomplish her dream of becoming the most famous purple platypus there ever lived!

So if you're curious about what happens to this little platypus, read The Adventures of Aris Barbie Link